* All prices are approximations based on generic estimation of events. Please call or email for more accurate quotes.
Wedding - $1,500
- 4~6 hours wedding day photography
- One Photographer
- 1.5 hour Engagement Session, ONE location
- 1.5 hours Bridal Portrait Session, ONE location
- DVD(s) with Edited Hi-Res images for prints
- Edited Low-Res images for Social Media
- Online gallery for easy download / print orders for friends and family
Bridal/Wedding Portraits - $400
- 1~2 hours
- Studio only.
- Includes MUA *mandatory*
- Download link with edited Hi-Res images for prints
Engagement - $300
- 1~2 hours
- One location (Studio or outdoors *weather permit*)
- Download link to edited Hi-Res images for prints
Actors Headshots $225
Actors Headshots $225
- Studio only
- 1~1.5 hours
- 1~3 changes
- Download link to edited Hi-Res images for prints
Character (Actors) Headshots $225
- Studio only
- 1~1.5 hours
- 1~4 characters
- Download link to edited Hi-Res images for prints
Individual Cooperate Headshots $225 *6 light set up*
*MUA option highly recommended* + $150
- Studio only.
- Location Indoors (for groups of 10 or more)
- Download link to Hi-Res images for prints
- *Group pricing available, please email for rates*
Portraits (Individual or Family) - *Rates differ, please email for more information*
- 1 hour
- One location
- Download link to Hi-Res images for prints
- Studio (up to 6).
- 1 Hour
- Download link to Hi-Res images for prints
Events - starting at $225
- 2 hours (continuous)
- $75~$150 per additional hour.
- ONE Photographer.
- Cloud uploads of Edited Hi-Res images.